Speeki Europe is an
accredited assurance body
Speeki Europe is an accredited certification body
It is a true badge of honour to be accredited to certify companies under an ISO Standard and Speeki Europe takes that responsibility seriously. Not every provider in this space is accredited and we encourage any client to carefully consider who they work with on their certification projects as there are significant differences between providers.
Choose an accredited provider that has direct and deep experience in the content area for which you are seeking certification.
Learn more about our accreditations below and our own rules around our certifications process.
Speeki Europe operates and certifies organisations globally. Information on the status of a certificate, the name, related normative document, scope and geographical location for a specific certified client is available upon request. Visit our ‘Contact us’ page to reach someone from Speeki Europe
When Speeki Europe provides any form of assurance we take that responsibility pretty seriously.
We take assurance to a higher level at Speeki Europe when delivering our Speeki Guardian™ solutions.
As part of our Speeki Guardian™ project, certified auditors carry out their evaluation independently and their recommendations whether to award certification are based on their experience and proposed to an assurance committee.
The committee then evaluates whether the Speeki Guardian™ audit methodology has been respected, whether the findings and analysis is based on appropriate documentation and whether the recommendation to award or deny assurance is consistent with the information detailed in the report.
Other key controls
We take independence seriously and have a process to ensure we are conflict free. Every auditor, every time, declares potential conflicts.
Not happy with something? You can leave a confidential report on our whistleblowing system. Check our whistleblower page for more information.
Want to appeal a finding or decision? We have a process for having an assurance reviewed if you would like a second assessment.
Getting maximum marketing value from your Speeki Guardian™ assurance
Our Speeki Guardian™ clients are able to use a logo that we provide to them which displays the details of their assurance.
The logos come with some instructions on how to use the logo, where to use it and any rules around it. Be sure to follow these rules closely as they are strictly controlled and constantly assessed by Speeki Europe.
Our commitment to our assurance projects gives value to you as our client.
There are a lot of companies out there that are saying they can assure your non-financial reports. Some of them are accredited and some of them are not. Some of them are experienced in the content area that you are being certified on and some are not.
Our focus at Speeki Europe is to focus ONLY on providing assurance as part of the Speeki Group. We come from a long history of expertise in auditing and assurance in the key areas of ESG and sustainability.