Compliance tech to give employees a voice

Several important elements must be taken into account to build companies and workforces that are rich in integrity and have a common set of shared values. One of those elements is to recognise the importance of employees' voices and the fundamental role that communication plays.
A challenge for compliance and HR teams is ensuring alignment with the objectives and goals of the business and showing the value of driving an ethical and compliance culture. HR is tasked with making sure that hiring practices, workplace rules, treatment of employees and a variety of other factors all comply with the relevant laws.
Firstly, you've got to have a set of shared values and a real purpose for the company. That kind of goes without saying. So, the first piece of advice is to really find the purpose of your organisation. Secondly, to be effective, employees have to buy in to that purpose. It must be embedded into the business, understood and practised by everyone.
Companies need to be able to give people the trust to speak up. The Speeki Platform supports anonymity and is built specifically to allow companies to hear all voices. It was designed to support teams managing people to hear the voices of those people – as well as other stakeholders – and to take action.