The Speeki App connects ESG to your employees and beyond.

For any stakeholder, employee, partner, supplier or even a member of the community, the Speeki App is the gateway to your ESG and sustainability programme.

The Speeki App is the simplest way for you to engage with anyone, anywhere with any device about ESG and sustainability.

Alternatively, use this link to download and install APK file if you don't have Google Play Store access on your Android device.

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Speeki app
Speeki app

Make your ESG & Sustainability more accessible with the Speeki App.

Share information on your ESG initiatives with your employees and partners.

Push out to the Speeki App details about your ESG initiatives. Users can learn about your activities, engage with your programme and report matters when they have any concerns.

The Speeki App is safe, secure and easy to use.

If your employee or supplier
witnesses an environmental issue or is involved in a safety issue, they can report the issue immediately using the Speeki App in any language, even anonymously.

Drive engagement using the Speeki App.

Post messages, reminders and list key policies and procedures about ESG and sustainability directly to the Speeki App.

Instant chat and engagement with stakeholders (even if they are anonymous)

Users of the Speeki App can connect with you instantly and raise concerns. Using push notifications the Speeki App will provide notification of updates or responses.

Privacy and security is assured.

The Speeki App complies with best practices in data privacy and information security and has been built into the design.

Multilingual support

The Speeki App can be in any language allowing users to set their language on the App. This saves you time from having to translate messaging and design communication systems to your stakeholders. It is all built into the Speeki App.

A significant element of ESG is engaging your stakeholders. Awareness, communications, training, declarations, surveys, questionnaires. All driven through the Speeki App.