Trademark and Content Use Guidelines
Trademark use guidelines
A trademark provides the owner with an exclusive use to authorise or control the use of the mark. Your right to use an Speeki mark is provided for, and is subject to your conforming to the requirements, in these guidelines. Any use of or reference to the Speeki marks that is inconsistent with these guidelines, or use of marks that are confusingly similar to Speeki marks, is prohibited. All uses of Speeki’s marks, and all goodwill arising from such use, will vest in Speeki.
Speeki and other marks that we use are our trademarks. You may not use any of these without our prior written permission. Some of our marks are:
Speeki | Secure Messaging Platform

Speeki Logo
If you are looking to link to our site, republish our images, or reference our text content, check out our Content Use Guidelines.
Your use of the marks should not suggest any sponsorship or endorsement by us, and shouldn’t confuse our brands with any other brands.
You may not:
- Use any of our marks as a verb or a noun. A trademark should only be used as an adjective followed by the generic name/noun.
- Use any of our marks in the plural or possessive form.
- Combine any of our marks with your name, your marks or any generic terms.
- Incorporate any of our marks into your name or logo.
- Change the colour of our logo.
- Photoshop or otherwise modify our logos.
- Use old versions of our logos.
- Add words directly around the logos.
- Overlap our logo with shapes or photos.
- Use any of our marks more prominently than your name or your marks.
- Use any of our marks on promotional material that you are selling or distributing.
- Associate our marks with any vulgar, obscene, indecent or unlawful material.
You may not register a domain name, create a Twitter handle or other social media account whose username or title could suggest affiliation with or endorsement by us.
You may not use a trademark, domain name or logo that imitates or could be confused with our marks.
If we think that the use of our trademarks is in violation with any of our legal terms or these guidelines, or if we feel that your use isn’t in our best interest, we can revoke your right to use our marks at any time.
If you are a Speeki partner, further terms for your use of the marks are set out in the “Identification as a partner” section of the Partner Agreement.
If you become aware of any use of Speeki marks or brands in violation of these guidelines, please contact us at
Speeki may release new versions of its Trademark Use Guidelines without notice.
Content Use Guidelines
You may share links to any of our content by email and social media.
You may republish in full any Speeki original images (such as charts, graphs, infographics) or videos by copying or embedding them and including them in your content, as long as you honour the Content Attribution Policy. This does not include any stock images we have purchased for use in our content.
You may reference or quote up to 75 words of any of our text content (facts, figures, quotes, etc.) in your own blog articles, presentations, documents, etc. as long as you honour the Content Attribution Policy.
You may not republish in full any of our text-based content (blog articles, PDFs, PPTs, DOCs) on the web.
You may not make money off of our content.
You cannot claim our content as your original ideas (i.e. using our content and publishing it as your own).
Content Attribution Policy
Attribute Speeki as the source.
Link to the original Speeki source you are referencing.
For references to any Speeki blog articles, link to the URL of the specific blog article you are referencing.