Speeki is the modern choice for whistleblower software as well as policy, procedure, triage and investigative support.
A whistleblowing solution is exactly that: a solution. It is a mix of policies, procedures, guidelines, buy-in, software, triage procedures, and investigations. The software is the centre of the solution, but it needs all the other elements to be effective.

Speeki provides a complete solution to any company in any market in any industry.
Speeki is a leader in incident management and whistleblowing systems. It's not just our leading-edge reporting, and case/incident management software but also our help in documenting the 'system,' procedures, guidance, triage, and investigation support. We are one of the few providers that follow a proven system to implement your solution instead of just providing a 'login' and wishing you 'all the best'.

There are quite a few elements of a whistleblowing system. Speeki provides an end-to-end solution.
Few of our competitors (if any) have domain expertise in governance, compliance, change management, communications, training, culture development, and technology to truly build whistleblowing software that works and adds value. Speeki does.
Some don't even have a technology solution of their own and are just in it for the large investigation fees involved every time there is a report received. Be cautious as well about simply turning on technology and 'hoping for the best'. Be very cautious about an investigations firm that says 'we will do it all for you, just direct any calls or complaints to us'.
Advisory, consulting and investigations support
We follow a proven methodology to implement software for whistleblowing that meets all international best practices, is compliant with local laws and meets the requirements of ISO 37001 and ISO 37002 guidelines. We are experts at building these systems.
Technology - reporting, case management
We designed our platform, we built it, and we support it. It is secure, fully hosted, and online (SaaS). It includes reporting mechanisms by phone, app, mobile, web, and even through MS Office 365 Teams. Remain anonymous, send photos, videos and even engage with our IBM Watson powered AI chatbot Nicole® to report issues. Any language, any device.
The basics that you will need as part of a whistleblowing system
The following is just an overview of our solution and what you need as part of your whistleblowing (or incident management) solution. These are just the basics, but we will follow the Engage® framework below to get a solution in place that works and adds value.
Core set of policies and procedures plus the Speeki Platform
While the Speeki platform is pretty amazing, it needs to be supplemented with a core set of documents to set the structure of your system.
Awareness, communications and training
No one will use the system unless they trust it. Building trust, showing how the system works, explaining the investigation procedures, and training investigators are important.

HR controls, culture change, trust and non-retaliation systems
Confidentiality, privacy, non-retaliation, trust and rights in investigations are all part of the HR controls that drive the system and direct utilisation.
Triage and investigations protocols and support
It is all great until someone reports an issue. It could be a labour issue, trafficking in your supply chain, discrimination in hiring, sexual harassment of a subordinate, bullying, corruption, invoice fraud. Are you ready to handle these?

Have a system already and want us to review it and give you our independent opinion?
Some companies who tackled these issues in 1990, are still using the same tired solutions with call centres, wondering why no one uses the 'hotline'. There are many reasons for that. We can do an analysis for you and give you some steps for improvement.
Convinced it's a leading system? Let's review it as part of an Assessment or Certification and showcase your solution to the World.
Whistleblowing insights
Explore our expert articles on whistleblowing
Incident management, case tracking and investigations support
Built into Speeki is a comprehensive system to support triage, investigations and case management. Directly engage with a reporter through the platform, engage in any language with live auto translations - even with an anonymous reporter.
Speeki helps clients with triage and support when needed
Some clients buy packages of support for triage. They need our help when reports are made to scope out the issue, decide how best it should be investigated and to guide them on next steps. This is all part of the service at Speeki.
Data on incidents is a key source of data for ESG programmes
Incidents, reports, feedback, near misses, and full-blown disaster incidents are all data points essential to your business. They are a channel of data that contributes to the dataset in your overall ESG due diligence programme. Your incidents tell a story about ESG, and Speeki helps pull that together for you.

Scott Lane
Scott Lane started in compliance programme development over 25 years ago. Throughout that time, he has reviewed hundreds of whistleblowing and compliance reporting programmes. With a growing frustration with the options available in the market, Scott kicked off a project to build a better technology-lead solution, known as Speeki.

Why is Speeki your chosen partner for whistleblowing?
We think we know this market pretty well and have an innovative and pragmatic view of how things should be done. We are always happy to share our experiences and help clients achieve their goals.
Speeki's team started delivering solutions for compliance reporting and whistleblowing in 2006 before building our own software for whistleblowing from 2018. We have over 20 years in consulting with major companies on whistleblowing programme development, improvement and certification.
Our focus at Speeki is on clients. We don't have revenue targets for sales people and we compensate our staff on customer experience and success. Our focus is your focus, and we drive ourselves to excel at customer engagement.
Unlike most medical systems that prescribe a quick fix to a symptom, Speeki looks at more holistic issues around your programme to drive longer-term value from your investment in Speeki. We want you to get an ROI on your spend and truly help your business get ahead of issues and deal with them quickly.
We price fairly at Speeki. We try and build solutions that meet your budget. We will commit to doing what we can to provide a great system that generates great returns for your stakeholders. If we fall short, you can always contact our CEO directly. The direct number is on the About Us page.
Like any business process or project, the technology is important and forms the centre of the solution. However, it is more than that, and good systems require reviewing, monitoring, measuring, and improving the system according to our Engage® framework. Success to Speeki is that your system continues to improve and develop, not that you renew our licences in three years.
We are lawyers, technologists, compliance experts, and (now) broader ESG professionals. We know how these programmes work, and we know how to implement them. We know how to investigate issues from corruption and money laundering through to trafficking and human rights. We are the content experts in this field.

Speeki is the ideal solution for a whistleblowing or incident management solution.