The stakes are high and consequences real when it comes to managing ESG in your organisation in today’s increasingly competitive market. This complex and ongoing process requires you to constantly monitor, report on and enhance your organisation’s environmental, social and governance initiatives, demonstrating how you are making a positive impact on society through your operations.
The way in which these initiatives are handled can make or break your reputation as a responsible company. You need to ensure that you are adhering to industry regulations at all times by following a system, focus or methodology.
Speeki has developed a methodology for building and implementing ESG that leverages known and well-developed industry standards, making your ESG investment a competitive advantage.
Meet Speeki Engage®
The Speeki Engage® methodology allows our clients to take on a world of intensified risk by helping them build and maintain ESG programmes in each of the key ESG areas.
Our Engage® methodology has several elements based on our Generate – Insights – Leverage concept.
We help to generate your ESG programmes using the management system methodology pioneered by ISO – a true and tested way to build programmes to achieve maximum value from your ESG investments.
Once your management systems are in place for all or some of your ESG focus areas, we move to reviewing those systems and the data that they produce to determine transformational insights. This often means drawing on the data generated from your management systems to help identify insights to craft a new and improved direction for your ESG efforts. Our focus is to continually help companies maximise their investment in ESG by making data-driven decisions.
Finally, there is a focus to leverage all your great work in ESG to gain an ESG rating, obtain an ISO certification for all or part of your ESG systems, and maximise the reporting of your efforts into other frameworks (GRI, TCFD etc). This is important for your stakeholders to get a true sense of value from your ESG initiatives.

The benefits of Speeki Engage®
Speeki Engage®:
- is based on known systems produced from ISO
- supplements ISO management systems approaches with more support and guidance
- is easy to follow and simple to understand
- can be consistently leveraged across any focus area within the ESG spectrum and used to support a number of risk-specific reporting frameworks
- saves money on wasted projects that have no direction, no goals, no support and no achievement.
Whatever system your company currently has in place – from a simple whistleblowing hotline to a sophisticated ESG management system – the Speeki Engage® methodology can work on any ESG focus area or across ESG as a whole. Applying the Speeki Engage® methodology will help you build a programme that works, has objectives and goals, and can be measured.
For more information, contact us here.
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