Speeki | Sustainability Management System

Software and solutions for ESG and Sustainability

Speeki is a Sustainability Management System covering over twenty key ESG and sustainability topics. Speeki is the solution for ESG and sustainability management and reporting.

More than just software, Speeki is embedded with thought leadership, guidance, and instructions on everything ESG and sustainability, saving you time and money on implementation and operation.

Speeki also provides sustainability due diligence and assurance solutions and has an accredited ISO certification body as part of our Group that certifies some of the world's largest companies in ESG areas.

Managing and reporting on ESG and Sustainability is easy with Speeki

Sustainability reporting plays a pivotal role in building trust and credibility with a wide range of stakeholders, including investors, customers, employees, and regulators. Sustainability reporting typically covers those non-financial areas that are supplemental to your 'accounting' reports.

By openly disclosing information on sustainability practices, ethical standards, and community engagement, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to responsible operations.

With Speeki, you can report according to any ESG and sustainability standard, including ESRS, IFRS, TCFD and others.

Managing sustainability to create value

Incorporating sustainability performance management and reporting into business strategy enables companies to identify potential risks and opportunities that traditional financial metrics might overlook.

By analysing ESG and sustainability, businesses can foresee challenges such as regulatory changes, resource scarcity, and shifts in social expectations.

Managing sustainability is not just about accountability, it is about strategic foresight and ensuring businesses are well-positioned for long-term success.

Enhance decision-making and performance on sustainability areas

Sustainability management and reporting provides critical data that supports the decision-making process at all levels of an organisation. It offers insights into the company's impact on society, the environment, and the economy, facilitating informed choices that balance profitability with ethical considerations and sustainability.

This holistic view enables businesses to allocate resources more effectively, improve operational efficiencies, and foster a culture of responsibility.

By setting and reporting on ESG and sustainability targets, companies can drive internal improvements, monitor progress, and boost overall performance. Extra-financial performance management and reporting is not just a disclosure tool, but a strategic asset that can propel a business forward.

ESG programme progress

Speeki manages sustainability and allows you to report according to multiple standards in multiple countries.

ESG and sustainability reporting should be as simple as 'pushing a button'. Your focus isn't the reporting. Your focus is building a performance management and reporting platform for key disciplines.

Customers expect to see your performance around key disciplines including safety, workplace issues and climate change.

Things have changed. Your customers are making decisions to buy your product for reasons other than 'price'. Price and quality are important but the 'how' you do things is now equally important.

They choose to know who they are doing business with. They want to know your position on key disciplines. They want to see transparency in your operations.

Every business needs to not only manage many non-financial disciplines including ESG and sustainability, but also to report these metrics to customers and authorities.

Your sole focus on financial reporting of key financial metrics needs to be supplemented with a diverse set of other key disciplines.

No one wants to work with companies that disrespect workers, treat race or gender inequitably, pay bribes, pollute the environment or engage in unsustainable practices.

Your focus needs to be on actively managing those areas and the ability to tell your stakeholders and regulators about your achievements.

Managing key non-financial areas including ESG and Sustainability makes better business and might save the planet.

Building key non-financial disciplines will challenge companies to look deep into their purpose, their values and their principles. 'How' and 'why' is now just as important as the 'what'.

Doing so helps decide the sort of company you want to be and helps articulate that proposition to the market. Companies that embrace ESG and sustainability will drive up value in the eyes of their customers and investors.

It doesn't come easy. Just like the financial system that manages your financials, you need a non-financial system to manage these areas.

Destroying our natural resources, polluting the environment, or using fossil fuels for energy is never great for businesses to differentiate their value in a competitive market.

Managing these key non-financial areas included in ESG and sustainability is more than just reporting some metrics to appease regulators, it's about tackling these issues, building programmes to drive improvements and being transparent on the results.

You can be the problem, or part of the solution to the planet.

Companies struggle with ESG data to produce 'ESG Reporting' for obvious reasons. They either don't have a platform or they don't have underlying initiatives or both.

Without a system to manage the underlying issues you are trying to report on is like trying to produce financial reports without an accounting system. It is like 1980s thinking.

A common platform that manages all your non-financial disciplines and helps to build programmes, thereby producing the required data, means that reporting is simply 'pressing a button'.

Drive value in your brand by showing your stakeholders that it is more than just financial results that matter.

Leverage success in key non-financial metrics to attract more customers through being a 'safe option' and actively showing customers how you manage and embrace areas within ESG and sustainability.

Every large company is choosing its suppliers with incredibly detailed qualification steps. These questions are about 'how' you manage your business, 'how' you manage risks, 'how' you engage with key climate risks and 'how' you manage sustainability.

Make your company more attractive with the right focus, the right answers, the right data and the right positioning.

Having a platform that manages your non-financial risks and can produce non-financial reporting to show your achievements with key areas is your initial focus. Your platform needs to be smart enough to produce the reports according to all the various reporting standards now being released across multiple countries.

Having that non-financial report then independently assured and validated as accurate and complete is the next step.

You achieve the ultimate in performance by obtaining an independent certification, the best evidence to show the world your commitment and leadership in key non-financial areas covering ESG and sustainability disciplines.

With an assured non-financial report and a system full of data that has been independently verified with relevant ISO certifications, you are well on your way to leveraging your efforts in the market.

Respond to RFPs and other requests from companies, knowing precisely what they want to see.

Leverage your investments to build your brand relationships with your customers and partners. Leverage your efforts in key non-financial disciplines to attract staff and build a stronger workforce that is focused on driving your key initiatives.

Being able to leverage your brand comes with great non-financial performance and reporting.

The days of proudly displaying your financial results are gone. Now you need to show your financial results coupled with your non-financial results.

Mandatory and voluntary reporting for non-financial issues is already here

The number of countries that require some form of reporting on ESG matters has increased to 80+ countries. The list is growing and will top 100+ countries in a year.

The requirement to release publicly your non-financial results is not going away. We predict that it will continue to expand and include more countries and companies over the next 5 years.

Even if not legally required, most companies will be producing reports for internal use, for customers, their investors and the Board.

There are 2,000+ ESG regulations, and 1,500+ reporting indicators globally. This is growing every month.

Whether you have to report these publicly or not, you still need a system to manage all these initiatives.

Creating programmes and initiatives and tracking them in documents and spreadsheets is a 1980s approach to managing performance. In short, you need a system to manage the volume of non-financial issues that needs to be considered.

Some of these regulations are new and some have been around for many years but seen from a different light.

ESG and sustainability issues are shining a light on old laws that are taking on a new purpose.

Simply using spreadsheets and policies to manage the wide variety of issues being covered as part of ESG and sustainability is clearly not sustainable.

You will need an SaaS platform that can help you manage these issues.

What is clear is that these areas will continue to develop and will expand significantly.

The topics covered by reporting are significant and increasing. Here are some examples.

Swiss public companies, banks and insurance companies with 500 or more employees and at least CHF 20 million in total assets or more than CHF 40 million in turnover, are obliged to report publicly on climate issues.

Climate reporting is becoming a standard in ESG and sustainability reporting. Hundreds of countries are adopting reporting requirements. If you are not tracking these issues and reporting them now, you will be soon.

Dutch companies who sell or supply goods/services to Dutch consumers must investigate and report on whether the production of their goods and services has involved child labour. They must also create a plan to prevent child labour within their supply chain if there is any.

Similar laws already exist in over 20 countries. Managing these initiatives requires technology. Not just a task management and dashboard, but a platform that helps drive the programmes, operationalises them and integrates them into the business and your corporate reporting.

Australia ASX Listing Rule 4.10.3, which applies to all companies listed on the ASX, requires companies to annually disclose the extent to which they have followed the recommendations set by the ASX Corporate Governance Council.

This includes the establishment and disclosure of a code of conduct to address issues related to the community, pollution and environmental controls and how sustainability considerations have been integrated into the company's risk management process.

India produced the 'National Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business'.

These guidelines contain comprehensive principles to be adopted by companies as part of their business practices and a structured business responsibility reporting format requiring certain specified disclosures, demonstrating the steps taken by companies to implement the said principles.

Build first. Report second. Assure Third. Certify Fourth.

It is wrong to focus everything on reporting. You need to have the data in order to report. There is no quick fix on reporting, because you need to have established programmes first.

Any platform that you choose to help with reporting needs to start with performance first.

Imagine using an accounting reporting solution to generate reports without the actual accounting system. Obviously, this makes no sense.

Reporting will be different in different countries and cover different disciplines. While there is some action to adopt common standards, these are unlikely to be generally accepted for the next 10-15 years.

You will need to build a system that helps you manage the non-financial disciplines themselves. Once your system has the disciplines being managed, you can generate reporting in any format to meet any regulatory or management need.

When you have a fully operative platform that helps to design, implement, monitor, measure and track your initiatives with reports being generated as required, you can then focus on assurance of those reports and certifications of the underlying programmes.

The need to build a non-financial platform that has integrated solutions across all of the key disciplines that you are focused on is important. Speeki is that solution.

Poor or inaccurate reporting is becoming an offence in some countries with both criminal or civil liability.

Build a sustainable future

The jury is back and has clearly decided that the planet is suffering and needs active steps to improve the effects of climate change.

Establishing solutions for managing the effects of climate change can have direct profitability enhancements when solutions are driven by technology.

Your stakeholders including customers, partners, vendors, suppliers and investors demand that companies take their share of responsibility and drive new solutions to manage climate change.

Sustainability also means taking a longer term view of businesses and how they can contribute to a more 'sustainable' and predictive future.

Companies have a choice to be a leader or a follower. Companies with great ESG and sustainability practices are leaders.

Build a better community

The establishment of CSR practices in the years 2010-2020 established a strong community engagement practice for companies. ESG and Sustainability practices take that further to fuel development and expansion of the community value of your initiatives.

ESG and sustainability will challenge you to think about value and supply chains. You are going to be held responsible for the adverse impacts that your value chain partners have on human rights and environmental issues. You are increasingly being held responsible for these adverse impacts both criminal and civil, not to mention in the court of public opinion.

The brand value of engaging locally and building strong community links helps to develop goodwill and credits for when challenging times are ahead.

Your workplace is most likely local or becoming more local as remote workers return to offices. Good ESG helps to engage, develop and build a community around the workplace which is essential to attract talent in a demanding and ever-decreasing talent pool.

Drive human rights and protections

The 'Social' in ESG is growing in its significance and if implemented correctly by companies can help to build staff rapport and reduce turnover.

ESG and sustainable workplace practices help to establish strong diversity, equity and inclusion and build a stronger workplace base. The strength of a strong workplace helps establish goodwill and consistency of the talent pool.

Social disciplines also help build a stronger value and supply chain by ensuring protections around human trafficking, modern-day slavery and environmental issues. Great ESG and sustainability practices will build a stronger and more compliant value and supply chain and reduce your legal and reputational exposure.

All employees should have a sense of protection, fairness, equity and the ability to speak up without fear of retaliation. Building that strength across the workforce will build a culture associated with openness, speaking up and feedback.

Managing sustainability across 20-30 different disciplines requires a common system and a platform.

Speeki helps manage sustainability through a framework known as Engage™.

Speeki uses its own proprietary framework to help companies manage sustainability and non-financial performance in one consistent structure.

ESG FRamework engaging wheel

Sustainability reporting already exists in more than 80 jurisdictions

More than 800 different authorities have already implemented some form of sustainability reporting obligations in more than 80 jurisdictions, and those numbers are rapidly growing. The time to get focused is now.

There are over 2,700 regulations already in place globally that require over 100 subject areas to be reported on, ranging from labour issues in one country through to carbon reporting in another. The areas are extremely broad and cover a significant part of business.

Reporting may seem challenging, but the larger concern lies in effectively collating the necessary data across your company.

Managing sustainability performance is a revenue opportunity, not a cost centre

The IBM study found that almost half of responders identified inadequate data as their organisation’s biggest challenge to advancing their ESG agenda.

Almost three quarters cited an overload of manual data as a challenge, and 70% reported difficulty consolidating or manipulating data as their challenge.

These challenges, combined with the fact that another 70% cited poor transparency in data calculations and 69% reported difficulty in mapping data across brands and geographies, mean that without a clear ESG strategy it will be virtually impossible to report ESG to regulators.

A majority of companies lack the data to even consider reporting on their sustainability performance.

Many companies struggle with the basics of sustainability reporting due to a lack of comprehensive data. The complexity of gathering information on environmental, social, and governance factors across various departments is a significant hurdle.

Without centralised data collection systems, organisations face challenges in compiling accurate and consistent information. The diversity in data formats and metrics further complicates the reporting process, making it difficult for companies to meet regulatory requirements and leverage their ESG performance effectively.

Investing in advanced data management solutions and promoting transparency can help companies overcome these obstacles, enabling them to fully realise the benefits of their ESG initiatives.

Why focus on sustainability reporting?

Because non-financial issues can derail a company much faster and harder than a financial crisis.

Non-financial performance supplements your financial performance. With ESG and sustainability being such an important suite of disciplines the more you identify those areas, understand them and manage them, the less likely it is that an issue will become a crisis.

Reporting key performance metrics is quickly becoming a requirement.

If you are not already reporting some aspect of your ESG and sustainability metrics and results, you will be soon. The ever-increasing reporting requirements and regulatory oversight already cover over 2,000 requirements in more than 80 countries.

Companies that focus on financial and non-financial metrics simply have better returns

ESG is made up of around 20 different areas. The more you identify those areas, understand them and manage them, the less likely it is that an issue will become a crisis. ESG is risk management at its best.

Save costs

With a large number of issues falling into ESG and increased oversight by the media, the community and regulators, it is only going to be a matter of time before there is a failure that leads to costly repairs and fines. Building ESG is preventing failures in risk management.

Save the planet

Every company and every individual has a role to play in rebuilding and repairing the planet. It is clear that companies that have a strong ESG programme are building their principles on climate change and sustainability.

Reduce turnover of staff

All employees want to work in a safe, equitable workplace that is free from harassment, discrimination and unfair practices. Expectations from new generations of workers are high and the success of developing and maintaining a fair workplace are part of that future success.

Do you want to be a leader or a laggard in your sustainability reporting?

In today’s business world reactive risk management is no longer a viable strategy – by the time you detect a serious issue, the damage to your business and stakeholder group is usually extensive. Speeki gives you a new set of predictive tools, allowing you to be proactive in your risk management and solving issues as they emerge.

Speeki is more than just a tool to track carbon targets. It is a complete extra-financial performance management and reporting solution for your business.

See how customers across a range of business areas are using Speeki to deliver next-generation ESG risk management solutions.

  • Speeki for goverance, risk and compliance

    Speeki can be used to build, operate and maintain any compliance programme on any legal or compliance issue.

  • Speeki for ESG and Sustainability

    Supercharge your ESG initiatives and keep protecting your brand with Speeki and our focus on building ESG and sustainability performance and reporting.

  • Speeki for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, workplace culture, and discrimination

    Non-financial reporting includes information on workplace issues that impact employees and contractors.

  • Speeki for legal, anti-corruption, and whistleblowing

    Manage your anti-bribery programme and whistleblowing systems with Speeki. Manage incidents, conduct investigations and generate reports.

  • Speeki for data privacy and information security

    Data is the new oil – transform your data privacy and information security with Speeki. Use our embedded tools for surveys, disclosures and training to engage suppliers and internal staff.

  • Speeki for value chain sustainability due diligence

    Conduct value chain human rights and environmental due diligence and assurance with Speeki solutions.

Speeki is trusted by large and medium sized companies across 20+ countries

Ramp up the reporting of your extra-financial matters with Speeki

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