April 2022 release

Release 2.4.3

Declare & Disclose

  • My Templates is now shared between Survey and Declare & Disclose services. Administrators can now:
  • Manage templates intended for Declare & Disclose including creation of new templates, editing and deleting
  • Share and manage templates between the two services. You can take a template originally intended for Survey and edit it for Declare & Disclose services and vice versa
  • Drafts are now available for Declare & Disclose for better management of forms that administrators are planning to make available. Administrators can now create forms and save it as a draft, edit drafts and delete drafts.
  • Added Description in the list of responses for better guidance managing responses
  • Minor UX and UI improvements such as style improvements for the Personal Information modal and other items throughout the Declare & Disclose service


  • User experience/UI improvements
  • Performance, security, and stability improvements

Release 2.4.2

All Products: Messaging, Survey, Disclosure, E-line, Web portal

  • Performance, security, and stability improvements
  • User experience/UI improvements