July 2023 Release

Release 3.7.9 - ESG Profile

Enhancements: Advanced Smart Tagging on ESG Profile

  • Smart Tagging has become more versatile with the introduction of account-specific customization.
  • This new feature empowers users to not only leverage the existing 45 pre-built tags compliant with the Engage framework, but also modify the component to align with their individual programs.

Release 3.7.8 - Assessments

  • Several enhancements have been made to Speeki Assessments, including adjustments to its copy and layout. The most notable change is its rebranding with a fresh, new name. 

Release 3.7.6 - Speeki eLine

New Feature: Speeki eLine Voice Anonymization

  • We have implemented voice anonymization algorithms to protect user identities during voice communication.
  • The system now uses advanced speech processing techniques to modify and disguise speech characteristics, making it extremely difficult to identify individuals based on their voice patterns.
  • With voice anonymization, users can confidently participate in voice conversations without the fear of their identities being compromised.

Release 3.7.4 - Speeki Platform

New Feature: Speeki Platform's version

  • We introduce a new feature in this release that displays the application's version in the footer. Now, client administrators can easily identify the version of the application they are using, providing better transparency and clarity.

Release 3.7.3 - ESG Profile

New Feature: Smart Tagging

  • We have introduced a new smart tagging feature in the ESG Profile, enabling companies to describe their programs using a structured data format. This feature allows them to effectively link stakeholder needs, risks, obligations, and objectives together.