May 2024 release

Release 4.5.2 - Task Manager, Stakeholder Report, and Watch Guide Video on Profile

Task Manager

We are excited to introduce the new Task Manager Module, designed to streamline task creation and management within the Speeki platform. 

Task Manager Key Features

  • Task Creation and Assignment
    • Task Creation for ESG Profile: The Task Manager Module initially focuses on managing tasks for the ESG Profile Module, enabling users to assign and complete tasks such as answering profile questions or reviewing answers. Users can conveniently create tasks from an ESG Profile questionnaire or from the Task Manager Dashboard by filling in necessary parameters such as a Task Description, an Assignee, and the Due Date for the task.
    • Internal or External Assignments: You can assign tasks internally to users registered within your organisation or externally by specifying an email you want the task to be sent to. External users will only see tasks assigned to them and will not see any other areas of your platform for data security measures.
    • Task Creation for Survey and Declare & Disclose: Although the Task Manager initially focuses on managing tasks for the ESG Profile Module, you can also create tasks for Speeki's Survey and Declare & Disclose Modules through the Task Manager Dashboard, enabling users to create tasks such as making Templates or scheduling Surveys.
  • Task Dashboard
    • Task Summary: The Task Manager Dashboard provides a summary of task per Task Manager role (Admin, Assignor, Assignee), offering a quick glance at task distribution and status.
    • Filterable and Sortable Task List: Users can filter and sort tasks based on various parameters such as assignors, assignees, and due dates. This feature allows for easy navigation and management of tasks, ensuring users can focus on what’s most important.
  • Task Details Management
    • Task Details Page: Each created task comes with a dedicated task details page where users can view and manage all relevant information about the task. Including fields like task title, task description, assigned user, due date, and status.
    • Task Expiry: Each task is automatically assigned a Task Expiry date when a task would be auto-closed. This was specifically designed as an added security measure for tasks you assign externally.
    • Comment Function: Users can conveniently discuss a task using the Comment Function found per Task Details Page of a task. It further serves a history log function where one can see task updates such as status changes.
    • Task Details in Questionnaire: Users can easily identify tasks from a profile questionnaire by the Task ID visible on the interface as well as a foldable and expandable Task Details window where user can see high level details on the task and access a button that can direct them to the Task Details Page.
  • Email Notifications
    • Users get notification on the following activities related to Task Manager:
      • Email notification for an assigned task
      • Email notification for changes to a task status
      • Email notification for new comments in the task details page

Stakeholder Report Template

  • Auto-Generated Reports: Introducing the capability to produce auto-generated reports for stakeholders within the Reporting module.
  • Tailored ESG Reports: Easily create ESG reports tailored to various stakeholders—whether it’s the management team, governing body, investors, suppliers, or employees—by selecting areas according to their specific needs.

Short Guide Video Display in Profile

  • Step-by-Step Video Guidance: Introducing short video clips for each question in the Profile section. These clips guide users on how to write and implement requirements step by step, for each topic area.
  • AI Avatar Assistance: Our AI avatar, Nicole, presents the short videos, helping users understand and address tasks and assignments effectively.

Release 4.5.1 - Surveys

Score Per Question Option

  • Introducing the ability to assign a score to each question option.
  • Utilize this feature to craft quizzes with precise assessments or create forms for thorough supplier evaluations.

Overall Score Visibility

  • Easily view the overall score for each quiz or form submitted by a user
  • If utilizing the Survey module:
  • Access score details per submission or per row directly in your downloaded CSV file.
  • If employing the Declare & Disclose module:
  • Navigate to the Submissions page to see the score per submission per user.

Scores integrated into Analytics

  • Scores are now seamlessly incorporated into your analytics.
  • Gain insights into user performance and engagement through comprehensive score data.