Scheduled Maintenance - June 29, 2024

Date: June 29, 2024 (Saturday)

Time: 02:00 UTC - 06:00 UTC

Speeki will perform maintenance that will impact performance during the time listed above.

Affected Services:

  • Speeki Platform
  • Portal
  • Mobile App
  • eLine

Important: During this period, you may experience temporary performance issues, including slower response times and possible downtime. 

Expected Impact:

  • Speeki Platform: All functionalities may be unavailable or experience slower response times. Client users may not be able to log in.
  • Portal: All functionalities may be unavailable or experience slower response times. Reporters may not be able to report incidents or log in. Email notifications to reporters may also be paused.
  • Mobile App: All functionalities may be unavailable or experience slower response times. Users may not be able to log in or report incidents. The Guest account may also be unavailable. App notifications may be paused.
  • eLine: All functionalities may be unavailable or experience slower response times. Reporters may not be able to report incidents using the eLine channel.

Reason for Maintenance:

The Speeki team is upgrading our Amazon Web Services (AWS) instances to improve our services, ensure maximum uptime, and enhance the security and reliability of our Speeki applications.