Speeki is your solution for ESG & Sustainability performance and reporting

Speeki has a set of solutions to help build ESG and sustainability as an essential value driver for their business.

Using Speeki as your non-financial performance management and reporting system will help you leverage your investments in ESG and sustainability and meet all reporting needs.

You can also use Speeki's expert guidance, consulting, value chain sustainability due diligence and non-financial report assurance as your complete solution for ESG and sustainability.

Supply Chain and Partner Management

More than just a carbon accounting tracking system, Speeki is a non-financial performance management and reporting system.

There are lots of solutions in the market that attempt to manage some element of ESG and sustainability. Most are simple SaaS type solutions that focus on one area of ESG and sustainability (normally carbon counting). These solutions help you simply record metrics and then allow you to report them out into a special format. If only it was that easy.

Speeki is different. Speeki is a non-financial performance management and reporting system. Speeki allows any company to record 20 or more different disciplines inside the Speeki platform. While the platform comes loaded with our favorite twenty disciplines from governance, whistleblowing through to waste management and energy innovation, you get to choose and build your own disciplines into the Speeki platform.

Speeki is designed for you to design, build, and manage each of these disciplines in the Speeki platform following a consistent framework we know as Engage. Once inside the Speeki Platform, you can produce reports in any way, and in any format. Speeki already has added reporting according to the EU CSRD which has been the driver to ESG and sustainability reporting.

Use Speeki as your platform to manage your entire ESG and sustainability system.

Speeki is more than an ESG reporting system. Speeki manages your entire ESG and sustainability initiatives as part of our non-financial performance management and reporting solution. Reporting is an essential part of a platform, but you need something first to report.

Your accounting system manages your financials and produces reports.

Speeki manages your non-financial performance and produces reports.

ESG and sustainability is just one of the use cases for Speeki.

Speeki is designed just like your accounting system. All your non-financial performance information is managed by Speeki. Reporting is just 'pressing a button'.

Speeki also helps your value chain partners achieve great ESG & sustainability with sustainability due diligence.

Speeki has a range of solutions to help with value chain sustainability due diligence.

Our focus is to ensure that members of your value chain end any adverse impact they are having on human rights and the environment.  

of supplier anti-bribery programmes we review for a Speeki Qualify fall below three (out of 5) stars despite being in place for many, many years.  
of human rights and anti-trafficking programmes of suppliers barely reach two (out of 5) stars.
Proof through certification

With a mature programme, maximise value with an ESG Certification under an ISO standard

Saying something and proving it are very different propositions. Certifying elements of your ESG programme is the final stage of your ESG journey. It sends a message to your customers, employees, and investors that you are serious about managing ESG risks and you are ready to prove it to an independent auditor. The ultimate solution in compliance.

ISO 37001 Anti-bribery management system certification body - Speeki Europe

We are a leading ISO certification body on ESG issues, including ISO 37001, ISO 37301 and ISO 37002.

Speeki Europe is an accredited ISO certification body. We certify companies globally on key ISO standards. Our content expertise combined with auditing experience makes our solution different to competitors.

Being certified elsewhere? We can help you get ready with internal audits, consulting, and training

As part of a certification process with any provider there is a need to separate advisor roles and certification. If you already have a certification provider, choose Speeki as your advisor.

An ISO certification shows the market you are 'a safe option'

Leverage your certification to show customers you are a safe option. Independently certified and audited to the highest levels by a trusted source.  

A certification helps win more business and shortens customer buying decisions.

Leverage your certification to reduce contracting times, reduce due diligence imposed by customers and win new business.

Need eLearning courses on ESG topics? Need help with employee workshops and global delivery?

Ready-made 3D animated eLearning, ready for launch on your LMS. Trainers ready to support the creation and delivery of ESG workshops and training in any country, in any language.

Worked out all the ESG reporting issues in every country with all new laws?

Need help to track the new reporting laws covering ESG? Need support to build reports for your board or shareholders?

Need a new leading edge whistleblowing solution with AI driven technology for your supply chain as part of new German and European laws?

If you already have a whistleblowing system for internal use, engage Speeki to provide a system specifically for your supply chain to use to meet new European requirements. Engage with us to learn more.

eLearning for ESG topics

Speeki is leading a new look at supplier sustainability due diligence. Are you ready?

New ESG reporting is already complex and will only get worse. Learn how to get ahead.

The new ESG reporting requirements are already significant, with over 80 countries already imposing requirements by almost 2000 different regulatory bodies. From staffing numbers through to human rights due diligence on suppliers.

Are you across all the detailed due diligence requirements on suppliers in Europe?

Supplier due diligence by most companies is a bunch of questions and a sanctions check. It is almost guaranteed that these steps are insufficient. Engage with Speeki to build a compliant solution around supplier due diligence.

Do you really have a consistent way of managing risk in ESG across the business? 

Most companies' management of ESG is broken up across the enterprise. Different people, different frameworks, different systems, different reporting, leading to a consolidated mess. Engage with Speeki to streamline.

ESG Expert

Scott Lane

Scott Lane has worked as a leader in global companies across legal, compliance and governance for most of his career. He has helped over 500 global companies develop parts of their ESG programmes, including in governance, board, risk, supply chain, sales channels, anti-corruption, workplace issues, and overall ESG. Scott is a strong strategic thinker and communicator that helps to align large companies into a common goal.

Scott Lane

Why partner with Speeki as your provider of ESG products and solutions?

We add capacity to your teams in a flexible way.

We know internal resources can be tough to get approved and ever harder to recruit. Speeki can provide additional resources to support your in-house teams on projects in ESG risk areas. Our team can help with project management, training initiatives, reviews, audits and reporting.

We don't have the added complexity of conflicts like the 'Big 4'.

As a smaller firm that is not a legal, accounting or audit firm, we have far less independence issues where we might not be able to act for a client on a project. Our conflict management is easier, faster and almost never creates an issue where we cannot support a client.

We don't try and maximize revenue of every project with 'add on' extras.

Time and time again we hear about over engineering and the cost over-runs that happen as a result. Our consulting and service teams do not have targets, nor budgets and are only compensated on customer satisfaction. Our pricing is open, fair and transparent.

We are content experts with 'partners' leading the projects and delivering them.

We are content experts on the projects that we engage with customers. We do not have an army of graduates 'learning on the job'. We only use experienced 'partner level' people on projects who (may) be more expensive but always manage to get things done in a quarter of the time.

We build and use technology to help make things easier.

Speeki is a technology-based firm with a strong backbone in technology development in compliance, governance and ESG. We focus on how to make things simpler, increase automation and reduce the risk of failure due to process gaps. We are always looking for a way to make things simpler with technology.

We are flexible, engaging, responsive and well-priced.

Our company values at Speeki include customer focus, integrity and a strong sense of providing value. We are flexible, engaging, responsive and always focused on customer success. That is embedded in our DNA across the business.

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Speeki is the solution for managing your ESG & Sustainability initiatives in one place.

Want to know more? Attend one of our Speeki Academy workshops or reach out to a salesperson for a demonstration.
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