Send surveys. Collect data.

Speeki includes an embedded Survey feature that supports collecting data around ESG & Sustainability. You can collect data from internal sources or external sources. Build as many surveys and questionnaires as you like. Speeki comes with ready-made templates for you to use.

gather data for your ESG initiatives

Gather data for your ESG initiatives

Use Speeki to create and send surveys that will gather data such as feedback, sentiments, or a gauge of your stakeholders’ knowledge that you can use to support your ESG initiatives. Users can access your surveys via the website or through the Speeki App.

Use our pre-built templates

Save time by using the pre-built templates. Speeki includes templates to support data gathering needs for the different ESG areas to make your overall ESG effort streamlined and effective. You can also build and deploy your own custom templates to best fit your needs. There is no additional charge to build, send, review, or report out the results of your surveys and questionnaires.

Setup survey template
target survey

Target surveys to a particular audience around a particular ESG risk area

Speeki allows you to send out each survey to a target stakeholder group or specific individuals to ensure you get the right content from the right audience. You also get to set survey duration and send out reminders to control how you receive the data and monitor changes in sentiment over time.  You decide how best to deploy the surveys or questionnaires.

Richer data yield better actionable insights

Internal and external feedback gathered through surveys is not only an operational need by most programme managers but is also key to gaining valuable insights. Speeki analytics, available both in web interface and downloadable formats, help you understand your stakeholders' needs and concerns to help mitigate and avoid risks before they grow into crises.

gather internal and external feedback via surveys
Use survey results to guide ESG improvement

Use survey results to guide ESG improvement

Speeki allows you to assess your employees' knowledge, attitudes, and commitment towards your ESG programme to ensure it stays effective and aids your company's growth. Apply survey and analysis results to help with programme improvement, check internal understanding of ethical behaviour, and indicate training needs.

Gather feedback and suggestions using Speeki

You can configure Speeki to manage survey questionnaires how you wish, according to your approach, style, wording or preferences. Speeki is highly configurable and adaptable to handle however you wish to implement this aspect of your ESG programme.

Get feedback via survey

Surveys are a simple and effective tool to gather input and data on your ESG risk areas.

Obtain views from many voices

Solicit feedback from stakeholders who would not initiate reporting via other channels. Target groups of particular concern.

Boost employee retention

Understand employee worries through surveys, and act to address issues that may increase turnover.

Bring to light positive signals for business development

Surveys can not only reveal weaknesses, but also highlight strengths that the company can build on.

Speeki comes with a set of tools to help you manage ESG. Survey is a great example of a tool that adds signifiant value to your programmes

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Surveys are an essential part of your ESG toolbox

Survey tools embedded inside Speeki and templates ready to use.