Managing tasks and assigning duties for ESG is simple with Speeki

  • There are lots of people involved in ESG and sustainability management and reporting initiatives. Speeki includes a task management system to help assign tasks and duties for contributing to your ESG and sustainability initiatives.
  • Take a simple example like building some of the programmes associated with the 'S' in ESG. Input will be required from human resources, workplace facilities, and workplace health and safety owners. Rather than being given access to the system directly, these teams can be assigned specific tasks and be the owners of certain areas in the platform.
  • The benefits of task management within Speeki go beyond merely assigning tasks; they also address protecting data integrity and access.

Learn more about Speeki, reach out to the team and book a demo.

Need an answer to a question about a topic?

With Speeki, you can assign tasks to your human resources, environmental or legal team to complete or even to external providers to ensure that the best person completes and updates the information. Your team member gets a task assigned and can update it when required.

1. create task from the questionnaire

Protect the integrity of your data

Task management allows you to assign tasks and get answers brought into the system for you to review. It maintains the platform’s data integrity without lots of users getting involved and interrupting your data flow.

2. Set up task assignment and description

Leverage your external advisors

Tasks can be assigned to internal and external users. Leverage your external advisors to support the development of your dataset on key ESG and sustainability topics.

working on esg task

Show, don't tell

Send reminders, track completion and chase your teams through the platform.

follow up task with different stakeholder
1. create task from the questionnaire2. Set up task assignment and descriptionworking on esg taskfollow up task with different stakeholder

Speeki: your solution to manage all your ESG, sustainability and extra-financial topics in one platform to support easy reporting

It takes multiple people from multiple parts of the company to build ESG and sustainability. Our focus at Speeki is to help you with the core solutions to make building ESG and sustainability easier and more efficient.

Comprehensive reporting solution

Make your own custom reports or use our templates. You can join topics or areas and create unique reports by tagging relevant data in the platform.

Continuous support

Speeki helps our clients build comprehensive reports and can guide you on the reports you need. Have templates ready for customers, partners, management, the board and investors.

Customer ready

Our reports extract the relevant information in Word format, ready for you to edit, tidy and send out. You can use the reporting system to report any element of your programmes.

Centralised data

Using Speeki to manage all your key topics means that all your data (if properly tagged) is available for reporting. No more trying to join data from multiple platforms. It is all in one place and ready to report.

Most ESG, sustainability and compliance experts spend too much time producing reports. Speeki makes reporting simple.

Speeki will help you streamline your reporting process.

Produce a report on any (or all) of 20+ topics covered in Speeki

If you use Speeki to manage a key topic, then the data is all there in Speeki to report. The reporting module is there to make it easier to report the contents of the platform to management, the board or stakeholders.

Create a full audit trail of tasks

Track the completion of tasks and keep a full audit trail of completion.

Allow comments and exchange dialogue within tasks

If the person receiving the task has questions or comments, you can respond in the comment itself and create a dialogue within the comment.

Create new tasks from anywhere and everywhere within Speeki

You can create tasks from within the programme for each topic or from a central task management creation page.

Create multiple tasks under a topic

Set multiple tasks to different people on the same topic and manage them through a simple combined interface.

See a dashboard of all open and closed tasks

An easy dashboard to see and track all your open tasks and to search and sort for tasks and set reminders.

Track tasks with clear identifiers

Each task is assigned a distinct identifier, ensuring clear and unique designation through a numbering system.

No matter what your internal or stakeholder reporting needs are, Speeki can help.

We're your trusted partner in ESG, sustainability and 'extra-financial' reporting.


At Speeki, we recognise that sustainability reporting is more than a compliance requirement; it's an ongoing journey. Speeki is your partner in showcasing your dedication to a sustainable future. Join us and experience the Speeki difference.

Expand your team and engage more stakeholders as part of ESG and sustainability management. Task management within Speeki makes that a whole lot easier.

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