Employee and Supplier disclosures are simple with Speeki

Speeki includes tools to collect declarations and disclosures around ESG & Sustainability issues. Use Speeki to request employees to acknowledge receipt and understanding of policies, codes, or training requirements. Your partners and/or suppliers can also provide annual declarations around compliance, sustainability disclosures and more at your request through the Speeki App.

Manage multiple declaration types

Create as many declaration templates as you like.

Speeki supports numerous types of declarations – from pre-approval of travel and entertainment expenses, disclosure of gifts received from business partners, to confirmations from employees that they have not engaged in unethical conduct. Build as many templates as you like or use the ones provided as part of Speeki.

Confirm employee or supplier acceptance of new ESG & Sustainability policies and procedures.

Use Speeki to obtain digitally signed confirmations from employees and suppliers. For example, you can disseminate a new Code of Conduct, a suite of policies, or even an annual confirmation and require signatures right from the Speeki App. A great way to document compliance right from Speeki at no extra cost.

Sign on a declaration
Conflict of interest disclosure

Review disclosures to identify issues and take action.

With Speeki, you can easily review returned disclosures to determine who has disclosed and who has not. Failure to submit timely declarations of compliance can often be a warning sign of breaches of the rules. Easily track the status of each disclosure programme within Speeki, send reminders and action any issues disclosed.

Follow up issues instantly and keep records inside Speeki.

The Speeki in-app chat feature makes it convenient for an employee or supplier who has made a disclosure to follow up or clarify any concerns. Completing this inside Speeki means you have an audit trail of your dialogue and brings immediacy and ease to chasing down and closing any issues.

Follow up issue instantly
disclosure on donations.

Get insights from your data.

Use information from disclosures to anticipate and mitigate your ESG risks or understand your performance in a certain ESG area. The ability to conduct real-time analysis allows you to see your data visually with easy downloadable formats.

Drive your ESG & Sustainability initiatives with tools embedded within Speeki.

exercise better ESG control

Proactively control potentially infringing expenditure

Require your employees to request advance approval for certain expenditures, such as client entertainment – which could offer a cover for bribery.

Make conflicts of interest transparent

Provide a channel for disclosing potential conflicts of interest, reducing the possibility of corruption.

Accept declarations of compliance from partners

Enable your suppliers to formally declare their compliance with your ESG requirements.

Speeki helps you manage ESG & Sustainability more effectively with embedded tools.

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Better disclosures. Less admin. More value.

Start with Speeki.
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